Nearly 35 million children have experienced one or more types of childhood trauma.
Art Allows the Unspeakable to be Spoken
It can be difficult for children to express what they are feeling in words. Unexpressed emotions cause feelings of anxiety and stress that can emerge as anger, withdrawal, physical pain, lack of concentration or any other number of behavioral or physical symptoms. When children don’t know how to put words to their inner turmoil, creative healing arts allow the unspeakable to be expressed and an experience of relaxation occurs that supports emotional and physical healing. Creative Art Therapy increases resilience.
Creative Art Therapy Benefits 
- Increase coping and relaxation skills
- Increase self-esteem and feelings of self-worth
- Improve concentration
- Increase empathy
- Decrease aggression
- Reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness
- Provide positive relationships
- Lower blood pressure
- Release endorphins and neurotransmitters that change brain cells and bolster the immune system
Healing Children Heals the Future 
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Substance Use/Opioid Crisis
- Mental Illness
- Homelessness
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Gun Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Bullying
- Crime